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The lines and textures of the face and legs determine the overall state and beauty. Smooth, flowing lines result in a softer overall appearance.


Skin begins to age the moment we are born, and it is the first organ to visibly show the signs of aging. By the age of 25, skin reaches a pivotal turning point.


Eyes are the windows to the soul. When we communicate with each other, during mutual gazes, the eyes are noticed first, and the condition of the eye area often reveals age secrets.


In the past, we often focused on whether a single facial feature needed adjustment, but in reality, the overall harmony of the facial features determines the overall beauty of the face.

The lines and textures of the face and legs determine the overall state and beauty. Smooth, flowing lines result in a softer overall appearance.


Skin begins aging from the moment of birth. It's the organ of the body that shows aging first. Twenty-five is a turning point for the skin.


Eyes are the windows to the soul. When we communicate with each other, during mutual gazes, the eyes are noticed first, and the condition of the eye area often reveals age secrets.


In the past, we often focused on whether a single facial feature needed adjustment, but in reality, the overall harmony of the facial features determines the overall beauty of the face.


Beauty is a lifelong pursuit for women, and it's the direction we continuously strive towards.

"Peace of mind, assurance, and comfort."

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